The toxins found in some of the everyday products that we use can disrupt hormones, put stress on the liver, damage the nervous system, cause respiratory disease, and affect so many more conditions to the body. Here are some of the ways you can eliminate the toxins in your home.

Let the fresh air flow through your home by opening windows throughout the day. This will cut down on the toxins and help improve your indoor air quality.

Do you burn candles in your home? If you really love to burn candles as much as I do, pure soy candles are a great option! They are paraben-free without harmful chemicals, and safe around your children and pets. If you’re not using pure soy that burns clean, then you’re polluting the air you breathe. You’re most likely using paraffin wax candles which are petroleum-based, it produces black soot-like having a diesel motor idling inside your living room! It is important to clean green and use products that are healthy and eliminate the toxins out of the air we breathe.


Choose to clean with natural/plant-based cleaners versus commercial cleaning products. You can make homemade recipes with essential oils using lemons, baking soda, vinegar, and olive oil. These are very effective cleaning solutions without the toxins to clean your home.

Use a diffuser with essential oils, the oils have so many amazing benefits, and not just to enhance the air quality in your home. They are great for emotional cleansing, fatigue, reduces stress, anxiety, and helps promote sleep on those restless nights.


If you are a smoker, use a designated area outside the home for smoking, especially if there are children and non-smokers that live in the home. Exposure to second-hand smoke can cause heart disease, lung cancer, chronic cough and so much more. It can raise the risk for bronchitis, asthma attacks, pneumonia, and ear infections in children. Smokers can even carry the toxins on their clothing from the smoke. People who work in an environment with smokers put themselves at greater risk to develop health issues listed above. Avoid the toxic dangers in the air, stop smoking and allow your home to be smoke-free and healthy for you and your family!

The effects of mold and mildew growing in your home can cause allergies, asthmas, sneezing, coughing, itchy watery eyes, fatigue, headaches, trouble breathing, and more symptoms. If you smell a musty odor, there is a great chance you have mold and mildew growing in your home. You can’t always see it because it could be hiding in your walls and floors, and at the same time, it is affecting you and your family’s health. This is one of the many reasons why we need to control the toxins in the air we breathe in our environment. Every homeowner should learn how to get rid of mold and eliminate the harmful effects it can cause to your health and well being.

Switch out your plastic containers for glass if possible. Plastic containers are highly synthetic and can leak toxins into your food, especially when they are heated in the microwave. Be cautious about the products you bring into your home. Make sure when you make your next purchase, it is safe and healthy for you, your family, and the environment.

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4 years ago

I love these tips! I currently only use glass storage containers (even baby bottles).

4 years ago

I always open the windows. I can’t believe how many people use air-conditioning all the time. I love candles and essential oils too!
The only thing I can’t change yet is the glass containers. I always break them.🤪

4 years ago

Thanks for amazing tips. I do not know about plastic containers. I will definitely change them into glass ones.