Top Five Ingredients I Use To De-Toxify My Home


  1. Essential Oils– are essential for your daily cleaning routine. Add them to your recipes, (dishwasher detergents, laundry detergents, floor cleaners, bathroom cleaners and so much more). Diffusers are great for purifying the air with essential oils and helps kill off airborne germs. (lavender, eucalyptus, orange, and clove).
  2. Baking Soda– sodium bicarbonate is great for whitening your laundry. uses-laundry detergent recipes, sinks, kitchen tile, oven, and grease stains. Make a paste with baking soda and water, use a sponge or brush on the desired area you want to clean and scrub thoroughly.
  3. Distilled White Vinegar– is a very inexpensive way to clean your home with so many uses, from cooking to cleaning, this is a must-have to keep in your home.
  4. Lemons – are not just for making lemonade, it is a natural powerful antiseptic for cleaning, its great on dishes, adding to your laundry, floors, sinks, and many other hard to tackle dirty jobs.
  5. Sea Salt – makes a great soft scrub solution for cleaning out the refrigerator, add a mixture of salt and soda water, you don’t want toxic commercial cleaners touching your food. Note: keep an open box of baking soda in your refrigerator to absorb the odors. Mix salt and hot water, pour down your drain to keep from grease build up.

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